Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Do Dogs Really Feel Guilty?

Do Dogs Really Feel Guilty? 

A article was recently published about dogs not feeling guilty or shameful of their actions despite how they look. 

You can read the article here: Behaviorists: Dogs feel no shame despite the look

I have to disagree. 

Especially with this, which I copied and pasted from the article:
""Just get over it and remind yourself not to put temptation in the way next time," said Dr. Bonnie Beaver, a professor at Texas A&M University's College of Veterinary Medicine and executive director of the American College of Veterinary Behaviorists."

Oh my word! Do you realize what my house would look like if I "hid" all of Tater's temptations?? EVERYTHING including furniture would have to be in storage! Tater used to chew on the bed legs, want to dig the cushions on the couch, dig the hardwood floor up, eat photo albums, eat rugs... eat and destroy EVERYTHING! If I took away temptations he would either have to be in a crate his WHOLE life or we would have to live in like a concrete cell.

I do think dogs feel guilt/ shame to a point but it is more submission than actual guilt/shame. When I corrected Tater for chewing on books I would say a firm "NO" and he would put his ears back, hang his head, and walk away with his tail hanging. Not tucked.. just not wagging. 

I believe a good dog, is a trained dog. If you continue to take away and hide their temptations they will never learn. All you are doing is making the problem disappear which doesn't solve anything. The best way to teach your dog to not do something or do, do something is to TRAIN them. Establish a good, healthy relationship with them where they respect you and teach them commands and to listen to you. That will give you a well rounded dog and a loyal companion! 

So to wrap everything up, the answer is "yes". I do think dogs feel guilt! 

Hope you enjoyed this blog post! Any ideas you have for our next post feel free to share them below! 


  1. Haha, I totally agree with you! We have to train them what they can chew on and what they can't. This made me think of something...cough*taterstealingfoodoffcounter*cough. ;) XO

    1. yep!!
      Lola would take OVER the world if you let her do anything she wanted! OMG that would be bad LOL.
      ugh...Tater haha

  2. I agree completely. A trained - and tired/well exercised dog is a good dog.

